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About bioAics

bioAics is biology Artificial intelligence computer science. bioAics is an independent field of study. bioAics is an interdisciplinary science including biology Artificial intelligence computer science. bioAics is a key science of the future. The main focus is biology, how it works and creates. Biological inspired Artificial intelligence computer science.

There is an universal biological sruggle wich is the most powerful action we can imagine and even not imagine. All power we have belongs to this action. First we need to understand the biology of the universe including the micro- and macro circumstances. What the nature has created in billions of jears we can not make better in lifetime and even not in a century or millennium.

The only thing we can do is to learn and become enlightened by the nature processes, develop it for basic human needs like health and enviromental balance. Especially in survival and health, nature is ahead of us. bioAics is to adapt to the nature further to create a biological consciousness in the society. Ben Adam

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